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Monday, May 30, 2011
Memorial Day, 2011
Thank you to all those who have served in the military, and to all those still serving. We are grateful for all the sacrifices. I hope that we will learn to live in peace, so these sacrifices will no longer be necessary.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
July 14, 1943
Desert Training Center, California
July 14, 1943
Wed. 9:30 P.M.
Darling Mark,
Hello Sweetheart!!!
Received your card today. It was really nice honey. Especially the kiss. It sure tasted good! It actually gave me a thrill honey.
Hope you can read this. I’m writing by moon-light. I didn’t have time to answer in camp. We’re about 25 miles from camp, at the foot of a mountain. There’s a beautiful moon setting right on top of it. Wish you were here, cause I’m really thinking of you.
A buddy & I are sleeping together tonite. I smuggled out my comforter & we’re using it to make the ground a little softer.
We get up at 5:00 A.M. in the morning. We’re going to have combat firing of the carbines & Tommy guns.
Honey, I guess I’d better close for tonite & get some sleep. Five o-clock in the morning comes too soon for me.
Now if I can just forget about those rattlesnakes & lizards, I’ll think of you & go to sleep.
If we get back in time tomorrow, I’ll write another letter, one that you can read.
Goodnite Honey.
All My Love X O O X
Johnny X O X
Friday, May 27, 2011
July 12, 1943
Desert Training Center, California
July 12, 1943
Mon. Eve.
Darling Mark,
Hello Sweetheart!!!
I got your air-mail today. I hadn’t quite give up hopes of hearing from you honey. I got a letter from Lucy today.
So you want a nice long letter huh? I don’t know whether I can or not. I’d have to keep repeating how much I miss you & think of you.
All day yesterday, there was a poker game going on in my tent. Was this place a mess this morning. I couldn’t keep out of the damn game. Win & lose & lose & win. I ended up 50 c winner all day. That’s not saying what I lost Sat. I’m not talking about that.
This morning I had about an hour class on navigation & finally made my map course of last Wed. problem. The rest of the morning I helped put up a camouflauge net & tables for a mess tent. Most of the time I was having fun, listening to the Sarge trying to get us to work. He finally let us off an hour early. This afternoon we went out in Scout cars for a little drive. I operated a radio set. I thought of you making the crystals back in K.C.
I just finished making a couple of record sheets for the Sargent.
Well honey I’m starting on the third page honey. A buddy just called from his tent next to mine if I was going to the show tonite. I guess I will, but I hate to miss out on any of this wonderful sleep I get. Oh – how I hate to get up in the morning. He just told me he got a 7 page from his girl friend. You going to let her beat you by 2 pages honey?
I haven’t heard from Cec for 2 weeks now. Lucy says he’s on maneuvers. The 25th of this month we go on a 10 day problem. We were supposed to go out tonite but it was called off. I’m not a bit sorry. Our beer party has been postponed till Friday nite.
Thursday our Div. will be one-year old. I suppose we’ll have to parade or something. I wouldn’t put it pass this outfit.
Well honey it’s getting dark – (always a good excuse) & I have to answer Lu’s letter yet.
You never have said anything about that picture I asked for in your bathing suit. How about it?
Bye again honey, I miss you an awful lot. Someday I’ll write another 10 page letter. On smaller sheets than this tho.
Answer soon, honey.
All My Love XOX
X O X Johnny X O X
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Desert Training Center, California
July 10, 1943
Sat. Eve., 8:30 P.M.
Darling Mark,
Hello Sweetheart!
I’m trying to write this letter by a flashlight. No letter today either.
I just read your last letter agin – the one with all the hell in it. I kinda got a laugh out of it. You know honey you couldn’t “beat bumps on my head” unless I was drunk.
This morning we had an inspection. It took till noon. After chow I got in a poker game that lasted till 8:00 PM. tonite. As you see it ended about a half hour ago. As they say in the Army – I lost my A--. I couldn’t get drunk now if I wanted to. But I think we’re supposed to have a beer party next Wed. nite – just a rumor.
Honey if you could just give me enough hell now about gambling maybe I could get it out of my blood. I mean it really gets in your blood.
I guess I’d better close for tonite & get some sleep.
Gosh honey I miss you,& miss not getting your letters, but then I can’t expect you to write every day. I hope I dream of you tonite. Goodnite honey. Write soon.
All My Love
Johnny XOX
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
July 8, 1943
Desert Training Center, California
July 8, 1943
Thurs. Eve.
Darling Mark –
Hello Sweetheart!!! I got your em ah nice letter today. I could say something honey, but I guess I’ll just forget about it. Fighting one battle is enough.
I just got back this evening from our overnite problems. Tired as hell! I’m laying on my cot ready for bed.
We traveled all over this damn hot desert all morning & afternoon. About 10:00 we halted & camouflaged our vehicles. We stayed there till 1:00 & started back. We got here at 5:00 P.M. A little more of this desert riding & I’ll be another dead-end kid.
From 10:30 till chow time this morning, I crawled under a scout car & went to sleep. Kinda hard & rocky, but I was tired enough not to mind.
Boy, was I plastered last week-end – only kidding honey – Ha-Ha. I only had 1 Tom Collins. I’ve got a lot of reasons for not getting drunk here. Thanks for the gum honey, & more than you probably realize it does take the place of a drink when you’re out on a desert. It keeps your mouth from getting dry. I’m thinking of you all the time anyway honey.
I promise you I’ll be good & have been good ever since I got here. There’s no other way to be.
I guess I should make out my navigation course tonite, but it’s getting too late – too tired no-how. It’s easier getting gigged by the Louie anyway.
Well, honey, I’d better close for tonite – I’ll write tomorrow nite if I’m able. Goodnite now.
Answer Soon.
All My Love Johnny XOX
Friday, May 20, 2011
July 7, 1943
Desert Training Center, California
July 7, 1943
Wed – 6:00 P.M.
Darling Mark –
Hello Sweetheart!!!
No letter today – but I’m writing anyway!
I went on a navigation problem today – Nevada mts. again. This letter won’t be long – honey – I’ve got to be ready by 7:00 – we’re going on another overnite problem.
I got a letter from Ralph today. He’s going to radio & gunning school at Lincoln Air Base. He’s getting to like it now.
I seen “Holiday Inn” again last nite.
Gosh – honey. I miss you so darn much & more every day. So you see why I write whether I get a letter or not.
Well Sweetheart I’ve got work to do – but fast. So I’d better close. Thinking of you always honey. Bye now. Answer tonite.
All My Love Johnny XOX
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
July 6, 1943
Desert Training Center, California
July 6 1943
Tue. Eve.
Darling Mark
Hello Sweetheart!!!
I got your letter & card today. I sure did get a kick of that card.
We were out all day on a platoon problem. Didn’t do much, but ride around but that’s enough – out here. Honey if you were out one day with me – you’d be down to a neat 120. It jars the living hell right out of you.
Tomorrow I go on another navigation problem. No – I didn’t sign up for it – they just told me I was going to be navigator for the 2nd platoon. If I ever get us lost I’ll tell them I didn’t ask for it. It’s been a lot of fun so far – a little tough but I think I can make it.
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Hear about the WAAC who went to bed eating pop-corn?
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Has Lu heard from Cec lately? I haven’t heard from him for 2 weeks.
Ralph is in Lincoln Neb. in the Air Corps – I haven’t heard from him yet. I told Mom you got my pictures.
The ball team is too much extra work – I play enough ball after hours anyway & besides I don’t think about myself honey, & not K.C. in particular – it’s you honey, & you can’t tell me to stop thinking of you! I guess I’ll get to a show tonite.
I guess 65° is a little cooler than 130° huh?
Bye now Darling – Write Tonite
All My Love Johnny XOX