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Friday, January 27, 2012

Why he can't get into the Air Cadets

Camp Polk, Louisiana
Christmas Eve
11:00 P.M.

(inside envelope flap)
I love you!!  x o x
Write Soon! XXX

My Darling Mark –

Hello Sweetheart !

I just got back from confession – going to communion and mid-nite mass tonite.

I got your letter today – honey I sure am happy when I get your letters.

The weather sure is miserable here. Its been raining all day & still raining & freezing at the same time.

We didn’t do anything today except mark clothes.

We have reveille at 7:00 in the morning. It looks as if we work Christmas day too, & Sunday.

Now – honey you didn’t have to make a crack about my other “babes”. You’re the only “babe” I care for honey & no other interests me – or was you kidding?

Honey – no one can get a transfer to the Air Corps or any outfit while his outfit is on alert for overseas. That’s the only reason I can’t get in the Air Cadets – which makes me just about sick.

I read all of that paper honey – it was right – but I still don’t think I needed to read it – but I read it!

Well, darling, it’s about time to go to Mass – so I’ll close for tonite. I’ll be praying awful hard for us honey – that someday we’ll be together.

I went to Leesville tonite to get a telegraph money order from Mom & I ran into a couple of fellows from my old outfit at the USO. They’re still on maneuvers & some had come in to take showers. They’re having it pretty rough out there in this cold, wet weather.

Goodnite honey – Write soon – I miss you so much! I love – I love you – I love you - I love you – I love you - honey I love you more each hour.                X       O      X       X
X       O      X       All My Love xox Johnny     xox

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Soldiers Get Their Overseas Duffle Bags

Camp Polk, Louisiana
Dec. 23, 1943
Thurs. Noon

(inside envelope flap)
I miss you &
love you!!
Write Soon. All my love

My Darling Mark –

Hello Sweetheart ! !

I just as well start this letter now. I know I’ll write – even if I don’t get a letter tonite. I think about you so much honey & miss you – mercy how I miss you. I love you more every day. I’ll really have a lot of love saved up for you honey – by the time I see you!

It’s been raining all morning & it’s pretty cold too. It’ll probably rain over the week-end too.

We saw another training film this morning. The next of Kin” - The purpose of it was to teach you to keep your trap shut, I mean us not you honey! Then we had bayonet drill – spent the rest of the morning inside. There goes chow honey – finish this tonite. Honey I love YOU!

         Well honey I did get a letter from you today even if it was short. Short or long – I like to hear from you – but the long ones are nice.
A guy got a pint of Mount Vernon today – I had a little cough & that stuff is pretty good for it. It was kinda cool in the barracks tonite anyway. It’s still raining & I wouldn’t be surprised if we had snow or sleet!

         We had it easy today since it rained all day. We got our overseas duffle-bag today & a lot of new clothes. I guess it won’t be long honey.

         The 1st Sargeant & all the rest of the Sargeants are on K.P. Christmas day so we’ll be free. Revielle Christmas day is any time we want to get up.

         Honey this is the second time you sent me this “Mother” joke. I was still kicking the sides of my cradle when I first heard it.

You were pretty sick huh – honey? I guess you couldn’t help that tho. I understand why you couldn’t write!

A couple of guys just went out & brought back a pine tree to set up for Christmas. They sure got one big enough- it touches the ceiling & is about ten feet wide.

There sure is a lot of crazy antics going on around the barracks tonite.

Honey – I wish I was with you tonite – every nite for that matter. I could love the hell right out of you!!

Darling I miss you so much. Write very soon. I’ve got to answer Mom’s letter tonite yet.

Goodnite honey – X    X       X       X
         X       O      X       O      X
All My Love        Johnny

MILLION   X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X         X

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Lonely Soldier Waits for a Letter

Camp Polk, Louisiana
Dec. 22, 1943
Wed. Eve.

(inside envelope flap)
All my love Johnny

My Darling Mark –

Hello Sweetheart ! !

I got the box of candy today – it sure is good. I expected a longer letter in it tho. I got a box from Mom too.

Honey – I guess you’re pretty busy now – but this letter situation is getting desperate. Two days now & no letter from you! I’m not blowing my top – yet, cause I expect to get a letter tomorrow from you – honey. I miss you so much & when I don’t get a letter from you – I just feel like getting drunk & you don’t want me to do that – do you? I need your letters to keep my morale up honey. How about a nice long letter.

Nothing to talk about today – we seen a film on censorship! Honey I miss you so much - & so much more when I don’t hear from you.

I’ve got to write Mom now & try & make this last show. It’s starting to rain now – I guess it’ll rain all day tomorrow.

Goodnite honey.  Write Soon!!
X O X  All My Love      Johnny     X O X
Yo te amo                  X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X

Sunday, January 15, 2012

December 21, 1943

Camp Polk, Louisiana
Dec. 21, 1943
Tues. Eve.

(inside envelope flap)
All my love honey

My Darling Mark –

Hello Sweetheart ! !

No letter today! Maybe you didn’t have time to write or maybe the mail is just messed up. I’m not doing anything so I just as well write.

         Today we had another lecture on “malaria” & precautions against it. It’s a hell of a disease to get! We had some bayonet drill too & an hour of exercises.

         I’ve got to write Cec tonite – it was too late after I wrote to you last nite honey.

         I think about you too much when I write. Maybe not too much!

         I’ve got to write to Sis, too.

         I’ll bet you’re pretty busy this week honey, huh?

         There’s a rumor going around that we get off Fri. noon till Monday morning, but I won’t believe it till we’re off.
         Well, honey I’ll cut this off now. I miss you honey – I love you!!

Write Soon.
X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X
I Miss You        X O X
Yo tea mo          X O X
X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X
Someday I’ll collect that honey.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

December 20, 1943

Camp Polk, Louisiana
Dec. 20, 1943
Mon. 1:00 P.M.

(inside envelope flap)
Yo te amo     X O X X O
Write Soon honey, X O X O X O

My Darling Mark –

Hello Sweetheart ! !

I thought I’d start this letter now while I’m thinking of you so much! I’ve got two more hours of guard from 2 to 4 & then I’m thru. I have to stand guard mount at 5 tho.  Honey I thought about you every minute on guard last nite. It was almost like you walking beside me, but not quite – I couldn’t kiss you!

I can almost picture you now at work, or was you working at this time?

Honey – I guess you’ve got the ring by now. I had it wrapped at the service club & they did a pretty poor job of it. They didn’t even have any cards to put inside so I could tell you how much I loved you. Honey – I love you & miss you – I hope you don’t get tired waiting for me. I’m looking so forward to the day that we can be together & married. That’s the dream & future I’m planning on most!  And praying for darling!

Honey – I’ll have to close here & get ready for guard. I’m just about half-dressed & was laying around reading when I decided to write to you. I should have a letter from you this afternoon – shouldn’t I.  I’ll finish this then honey. X X X X X

Hello again honey – I did get a letter from you today. I got one from Cec too & a card.

Honey – now is a fine time to tell of your birthday!  I never knew & you never told me. That must have been your birthday dinner you went to the other night huh?  I catch on fast!

Sounds like you had a very happy birthday honey. Since you’ve asked, I was born June 23, 1922 by Mrs. Jambrosic who is my mother. I had nothing to do with it, but I’m glad some body did.

I’ve sure got a hell of a cold!  Guess I caught it last nite on guard. My dogs are really sore! I don’t know what I’d do if I really had to walk a lot.

I started to town tonite but couldn’t make it.

They’ve got a loud-speaker put up & have been playing Christmas carols every nite.

It’s funny how they make a guy feel when he’s away from home. I never paid much attention to them when I was home on Christmas. I guess a guy learns to appreciate a lot of things when he’s away from them.

Honey – I’ll never let you go when I get back. I love you more each day. I never get tired of hearing how much you love & miss me honey.

We’re going to have midnite Mass in the Field house Christmas Eve. It’s a pretty big auditorium & they’re fixing pretty nice. They’re having a large choir too.

Well – honey I’d better sign off for tonite – I should write to Cec if I can before lights go out.

I’m a pretty tired soldier tonite, I should go to bed early - & dream longer of you.

Honey I’ll bet you gained 5 lbs on your birthday didn’t you?

I’m trying hard to make this a six page letter honey – & just saying anything to fill it out. I seem to be going pretty good now. If I can just keep it up a few more lines & a little larger writing I should do it.  There!!  I dood it!

Goodnite Honey X
XOX  All My Love        Johnny     XOX
X       X       X       O      X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X

Friday, January 13, 2012

December 19, 1943

Camp Polk, Louisiana
Dec. 19, 1943
Sun. 12:00

(inside envelope flap)
Write Soon             I Miss You

My Darling Mark –

Hello Sweetheart ! !

I just came back from Mass & while waiting till chow goes – I thought I’d start a letter to you.

I’m on guard duty tonite so I probably wouldn’t get to write. Honey – I’m really thinking of you a lot. I won’t mind guard – how much I think of you all of the time. There goes chow honey – I’ll finish later.  Back again honey – but I can’t finish now. We have to go to the motor pool this afternoon. I’m still in O.D’s & have to change, so honey I’ll finish this sometime today or tonite xxxxx

4:00 P.M.
Hello again honey!

         I just finished shaving, shining shoes & cleaning a rifle. I go on guard mount at 5:00. I just got your letter too. Honey – I didn’t miss getting any letter this week except the day I got the card & No letter. Honey I’ll tell you, I’m very blue when I don’t get a letter from you – please try not to miss writing honey.

Honey – there’s nothing new about the air cadets & I doubt if they will be now.

Well, honey I’d better dress for guard now. – I’ll write tomorrow again. Maybe I’ll write tonite again if I have time at the guard’s quarters.

I miss you honey so very much & love you more!

Bye for now       Darling!!!
Write Soon.

All My Love        Johnny     xox
X       X       X       X
I miss you honey – I miss you!!!!        X       O      X
XO  so very much & love you more!

Bye for now       Darling!!!
Write Soon.

All My Love        Johnny     xox
X       X       X       X
I miss you honey – I miss you!!!!        X       O      X
XOX   Yo te amo X O X
         X       O      X       X       X       X      
         X       X       O      X       O      X       O     

Thursday, January 12, 2012

December 18, 1943

Camp Polk, Louisiana
Dec. 18, 1943
Sat. Eve.

(inside envelope flap)
Yo te amo
All My Love - honey!
Notice 4 pages!!

My Darling Mark –

Hello Sweetheart ! !

I got your sweet letter today. The mail must be slow during Christmas – this letter of yours took 4 days. I got 2 letters from today that were mailed 5 days apart.

We had another clothes inspection today. We’re getting practically a whole new issue of equipment.

We’re off tomorrow till 1:00 P.M. We have to go to the motor pool in the afternoon & check tools in the tanks & half-tracks.

We should have all of the vehicles turned in by next Wednesday.

I think I’ll go to 11:00 Mass in the morning.

I’ll probably get up & eat breakfast at 7:30 & go back to sleep till 10:30 or not eat & go to communion.

It warmed up today & I’m glad – I just don’t like that cold weather. I don’t mind it at all with you tho honey.

I’ve heard from Cec honey – so I guess I won’t give him hell that would be kinda hard to do anyway. I’d like to see the wedding pictures tho.

There’s a lot of flu going around here too. We got hell last night for having all the windows closed. The medic came thru about 12:00 last night & opened them.

I started to give the guy next to me hell for opening it. It was really cold.

Honey I miss you more every day & I’m always thinking about you.

I’d sure love to be with you now & always! If I could – I’d come to K.C. just for 1 day – but I’d need a three day pass & a week end.

Well honey I’ve got to write to Frank & Ralph yet. I haven’t written to them for about 2 months. I’ve been moving around & they have too – it’s hard to keep track of each other.

Mom has got a feeling what’s going on since I’ve sent all my extra clothes & shoes home. She made a remark about it in my last letter – but I didn’t say anything about – maybe she’ll pass it off & forget about it. I hope so.

Honey I’d better sign off now. There goes the bugle & lights will be going out any moment now. I miss you & love you darling!  Write Soon.

         All    My    Love  Johnny     xox
X       O      X       Yo te amo          X       O      X
X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X        

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

December 17, 1943 (Mark's Birthday!)

Camp Polk, Louisiana
Dec. 17, 1943
Fri Eve       7:00 P.M.

(inside envelope flap)
I Love You    XOXXO
I miss you Honey!

My Darling Mark –

Hello Sweetheart ! !

I got a letter today. It took 3 days to get here. It usually takes just 2.

We had a retreat parade tonite for a general.

It was a little warmer today – but still cold. This morning we fired the 37 M.M.

We have another inspection tomorrow & anything we have that isn’t G.I. is going to be confiscated, so I’ve got some hiding to do tonite.

I’ve got to go to the main P.X. tonite & I sure hate to walk that far. It’s about a mile walk!

Honey, I was pretty happy all day thinking about you! The more I think of you, the more I want to come to K.C. I wish I could get amnesia and wander up that way & then wake up. I can think of more ways – but they’re all screwball ideas.

Honey the next time you dream of me & I won’t let you around – throw a brick at me or something & then you got me – I hope. I was drunk too- huh? I can’t imagine that!  You know I never get drunk honey – or do you know?

Honey – I feel for you – (no cracks) having to get up at 4:45. I know how it is only too well!

I    love     you      -     honey

I    miss     you            so   much!

X          X          X          X
O         O         O
X          X          X          X
O         O         O
X          X          X          X

         We have reveille at 6:30 now & we gripe plenty when we have to get up before that. I’ll be glad when I can sleep as long as I want to & then I probably won’t want to sleep.

We have to work Sunday again. Our captain is back from the hospital now. When we had a Lt. in his place when he was in – we had Sundays off & passes anytime. This guy is too G.I.

Well honey I’d better Roger-out now & see if I can get some Xmas cards before it gets too late.

Goodnite Darling. Write Soon
I love you – honey!             X       o       X
All    My Love     ox     Johnny     XOX

Yo te amo -       X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

December 16, 1943

Camp Polk, Louisiana
Dec. 16, 1943
Thurs. Eve.                 8:40

(inside envelope flap)
I Miss You !  X O X
I Love You!             X O X
X O X            All My Love  Johnny

Darling Mark –

Hello Sweetheart!!

No letter today – but I did get your beautiful Christmas card – especially the picture. Honey – you keep sending me pictures like that & I’ll be coming back to K.C. (unofficially)

We were out all day firing the 30 M.G. & about froze. It was down to 25° here. I hope it warms up soon. Got a couple letters from some buddies of my old outfit. I’ll bet they’re having it rough on maneuvers now.

Boy I sure am stiff – we’ve started taking exercises every night from 4 to 5 now.

Gosh – honey I don’t  know what to write about. You should have written me a letter.

Honey – I’d like to be with you tonite – instead of sitting here wishing I was. I’d sure be making up for lost time, & then some!!

Honey – I miss you so much & love you more every day.

Bing Crosby is singing “White Christmas” now. Myself – I’m just dreaming of Christmas “white” or otherwise.

Most of the time I’m dreaming of you honey!

Darling it’s getting late & I have to get to the PX before it closes – It’s 9:00 now honey. I think about you too much everytime I start to write, but I like to.

Goodnite Darling!  Write Soon.
All My Love         X       ox     x       ox    
X       O      X       Johnny              X       O      X
         I miss you – honey
         I love you
X       Yo te amo.         X       O      X
X       Ego amo te                X       O      X

Saturday, January 7, 2012

December 15, 1943

Armored Force
Camp Polk, Louisiana
Dec. 15, 1943
Wed. 9:30 P.M.

(inside envelope flap)
I Miss You !  Yo te amo
Write soon honey
All My Love XOXX

Darling Mark –

         Hello Sweetheart!!

I got a letter from you today – the [one] that took you two days to write.

I just came back from the show. Saw the Butler’s Sister. It was good too!

It must be cold in K.C. Its been plenty cold here today & right now its freezing out! I sure hate to see it get cold.

There’s hardly anyone left around here now – another bunch left on furlough tonite. There’s a big bunch supposed to be back tomorrow tho.

Honey – I can’t try for the Air Cadets now – you know why!

Say – babe, whats the idea of sending me that paper to read – do you really think I should read up on gambling – drinking & wimmins? I’m not really as bad as you think honey!

We got dentyne gum just once in awhile now.

I’ll try & get a picture taken as soon as I can if I can find someplace to take it.

Well –honey C.O. is around & wants to turn out the lights so I’d better close & get to sleep.

Goodnite now Honey.
Write Soon.

All My Love
X       O      X                                                 X       O      X
                          Yoe tea mo