With what joy and trembling fingers
she must have opened each envelope – some are opened neatly and carefully. Others appear to be ripped open with
eagerness. What news will each letter
bring? Is he healing? Is he getting worse? Any chance that he will come home? And soon?
Oh, to be so far away, knowing he’s
injured and lonely so far from home. How
heart-wrenching that must be!
Nov. 12,
My Darling
Hello Sweetheart! !
got 2 letters from you today honey – 26 – 27. Was really glad to hear from you.
It takes 3 to 4 weeks now it seems to get any mail from the states.
feeling okay honey & up & around all day – when I’m not sleeping – I’m
getting lazier every day. My leg is coming along alright – a little slow. I
don’t have much trouble with my chest – except for being short-winded as hell.
I don’t think it’ll slow me down on loving you tho honey.
been a year about today – that I was last home – too damn long to suit me!
it won’t be much longer – I’ve gained most of my weight back – but have 15 lbs
to go yet. I don’t think I’ll gain much as long as my leg keeps draining. It
should be okay in a week.
honey I guess I’ll answer Sis’ letter, & call it a night. I miss you more
every day honey. Bye for now. Write soon. I love you Sweetheart.
My Love Always Johnny