Dear Mark,
I just received your letter about ½ hr ago. I was going to write a letter to you tonight anyway, but it would have been of a different nature than this one. I know damn well that you have as much time as I have to write, & I’m pretty busy.
We’re out in the field this week till Sunday, sleeping under the stars again. interruption
I just been informed I’m on guard tonight. I got a good shift tho 8 – 10:30 – I’ll be thinking of you.
Yesterday I was on K.P. all day. First time since I was inducted – not bragging – complaining.
We’re at
The mornings are cold and then it gets hot & dusty in the afternoon. I mean it really gets dusty. There’s enough tall & thick bushy grass here & we’ve had a couple of fires. Once it gets started it’s hard to stop. We had to fight one tonight.
Friday we were out on reconnaissance & counter-recon. We started the day of & this morning by double-timing most of the way around the lake about 5 miles. The more double-timing we do – the more I swear I’m going to quit smoking. But if I quit smoking I’d probably go nuts (no remarks) worrying & thinking all day.
I get so disgusted around here some times I wish I was shipped across & get in the fight, then I wouldn’t have to care for anything – except maybe for a couple things.
I was home last Sun – I guess you’ve heard but I didn’t get a chance to come & see you. I didn’t know whether or not to at first – since you hadn’t answered my last letter. So I called up Lu and she was at your house. So I came to town to see what time my bus left & then call you. That was about
I hated to leave so soon but I had to be in camp at
If I ever get another chance before we’re shipped out – I’ll look you up the first thing.
Ask Lu. if she ever got my letter & why doesn’t she answer. She busy too?
I’ve got some pictures – but they’re back at camp & I won’t be back till Sun.
If I thought you would come here to get them – I wouldn’t send them.
If you answer this letter soon enough – I’ll send the pictures Sun.
Well – Sweetheart – it’s
Honey – if you really love me – you’ll answer this letter soon.
I’ll be looking for it. That Cpl’s calling me again.
Write soon
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