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Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 14, 1943

Camp Polk, Louisiana
Nov. 14, 1943

Darling Mark,

Hello honey !

Well, I’m back at the same old grind again. Oh- how I’d like to be back in K.C. with you!  It’ll take me a month to get used to Army routine again.

I wished I had caught that train Sat. morning. We had to work till noon today getting vehicles checked.

         We go on a 3 day problem starting tomorrow. How I hate that. It’s so damp & wet in the mornings (the poor boy).

I’m going to try & get out of it, so I can take the Air Corps test Tues.

I’ve got complications now. We have a new C.O. now & I’ll have to get his permission & I hear he’s plenty rough. (Not too bad though - )

A week from tomorrow we go on maneuvers. We go to Texas & then work up towards Kent. & Tenn. I sure hope I get to take the test before maneuvers.

Right now honey I’m laying on my bunk (alone & it’s unusual for him to lie down alone.) & writing letters. I’ve got a lot of packing of field equipment tonite sometime.

OH! Honey how I miss you!!  (Ever so much)  I’ve just been informed that I’m on guard tonite. (But that will give me loads of time thinking of you.)  I don’t mind, I won’t have to go out till Tues now & I’ll have a chance to see about the Air Cadet test tomorrow.

Well honey I’ll have to close now & shower & shave. I have to stand guard mount at 5:00. No rest for the wicked!

I’ll have to finish this quick – that “kids” here again & writing in between the lines.

I don’t think I’ve ever written a letter that he hasn’t been around to pester me.

He’s got the first page now writing on it, so honey what you see in pencil is his writing – I have to humor him. Sometimes he makes me “so mad”!

Bye now – honey

Please Answer Soon.

All My Love

“Ego amo te”


  1. Okay, I'm guessing the stuff in ( ) was from the 'kid'. Johnny sounds tired of playing war...and he really is just 'playing' at this point and even that is grueling. Have I mentioned how similar the army is some 70 years later, as far as training goes? Thanks for keeping the letters coming....

  2. I think so - I couldn't really tell from the way the letter was written. As for him playing war - I was surprised about how long he was in training before going overseas to the war. I got the impression they just ran them through boot camp and sent them over. Dad was in "training" of some kind or another for about a year!
