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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

July 4, 1943

Desert Training Center, California
July 4, 1943

Sun. Eve.

Darling Mark –

Hello Sweetheart!!!

I just got back from Needles. Six of us spent the day in there. Not much to go there for – except its just the idea of getting away from camp for awhile.

I wasn’t here for mail-call today, so I don’t know whether I got a letter from you or not – but I’m writing anyway – honey – by the light of a lantern. Not so good to write by. They’ve got a big U.S.O. Hollywood show at the open air amphitheater tonite. But I’m too tired to go & I’ve got to get up early & go on a navigation problem tomorrow. We’ll probably take in a little Arizona desert too. We took a picture by the Colorado river today & what a beautiful spot for some romancing with you. I thought of you & me as soon as I seen it.

Well honey I guess I’d better close for tonite – this lantern is flickering, I suppose it will go out in a couple of minutes.

Goodnite Sweetheart. I’m always thinking of you & miss you very much. Please answer soon.

All My Love Johnny XOX




Sunday, March 6, 2011

July 2, 1943

Desert Training Center, California
July 2, 1943

Friday Eve.

Darling Mark:

Hello Sweetheart!!!

You know I haven’t received a letter from you for 3 days now. I got a letter from home today. They said they were going to send you my picture. You should have it by the time you get this letter. Wed. I was out all day on a navigation problem & riding cross-country. I could hardly walk & sit down when I got in. Well I got in just in time to catch the co. going on an all nite bivouac. So I had to pack full-field & go along too. Rough – mercy. I was in the air half the time – I guess you can take that more ways than one.

The next day – Thurs. we had problems & our Lt. got lost in mts. somewhere & we spent the afternoon trying to get out. Today we had our navigation class under the mess tent.

Tomorrow I’m on K.P.!! I was wondering when they were going to catch up with me.

I think I’ll spend Sunday in Needles – if I can get out of here. Well honey I’m trying to finish this letter fast & let some guy mail it in L.A. for me. So Bye now honey. Answer Soon. I miss you.

All My Love Johnny XOX